Tips on driving safely in parking lots

It can prove quite the challenge to look for a space in parking lots, as they’re often very congested and busy. You should employ safe-driving techniques as you scour both lots and covered garages for that prized space or depart from it, even if many are becoming more automated and staffed 24 hours a day.

The first advice is to remember to slow down, as other drivers and obstructions pose the biggest risks when maneuvering to a parking spot. You may be in a hurry or get frustrated when slots are few, but these do not mean being complacent. Slow down and be extra aware of your car’s distance from drivers behind and in front or those about to leave their spots, so you’d have more space to react.

Be smart about where you will park and how you are going to park. This effectively  minimizes any car damage and risk of a potential accident. Again, look for any obstruction that can damage or scratch your car, from a left-behind shopping cart to an open car door. Ensure that there’s plenty of room for your car’s size and that you are parked within the designated lines.

When leaving the parking lot or garage, back out very carefully. Make sure that you first gain full visibility of the road before committing to reversing, both for fast through traffic and pedestrians that may be walking past, especially as some may be preoccupied with their phones. Keep in mind that you cannot be distracted even if they are, as pedestrians will always have the right of way.

Dock Square Parking Garage provides convenient and easy in-and-out parking and access for drivers, with automated equipment and a 24/7 staff. The parking garage is just a 10-minute walk to the TD Garden and events like concerts and Celtics and Bruins games. For similar reads, visit this blog.


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